Program of Studies
The College Credit Plus program (CCP) offers qualified high school students the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. Students passing CCP classes will receive both high school and college credit for the course at no cost and without taking an exit exam. Students may enroll in college courses at their high school buildings, at local college campuses, or online. Classes may be taught by college faculty or Pickerington faculty with the appropriate graduate study backgrounds.
Successful completion of coursework in the CCP program will earn students college credit that is accepted by all of Ohio’s universities and colleges and many out-of-state and private institutions. Location, manner of delivery, and scheduling of courses may vary. These are not high school courses – these are college courses offered for concurrent high school credit. Parents and students should expect differences in the process and plan accordingly.
- Students must meet qualifying grade averages and ACT (or equivalent) scores to take CCP courses. Qualifications are set by the university or college awarding credit and vary between courses and programs.
- Courses follow the same schedule as their college counterparts and are a semester long.
- Students taking CCP classes do not take a national exam at the end of the course and, by state law, are not charged for participation in the program.
- Students are limited to thirty (30) credits for CCP-funded courses per year. Under the state law, local high school courses are part of that funding as well, with each one (1) high school credit course using three (3) CCP credits.
Our locally-offered CCP courses, which are available onsite within the high schools, are done so in partnership with Marion Technical College (MTC) and Columbus State Community College. Students interested in any onsite CCP courses should consider applying to the colleges now. Be sure to read all instructions and provide correct information (legal name and Social Security numbers must be accurate) and to indicate you are interested in being a CCP student while still in high school.
The Ohio Department of Education offers this introduction and information for students and families that want to know more about the College Credit Plus program.