Student Handbooks & Agreements
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Varsity Letter Requirements
Criteria That Pertains to All Sports
A. Criteria That Pertains To All Sports:
- An athlete must complete the season in good standing with the school and coach.
- An athlete who moves from one level of competition to another will letter at the level of highest competition provided meeting combined requirements.
- A coach will have the prerogative to letter a senior who has not met the seasonal requirements for lettering.
- Injury rule – Any athlete who is a starter or plays regularly and is thereafter injured may be awarded a letter if, in the coach’s judgment, they would have met the lettering requirements.
- In a sport where OHSAA tournament play is sponsored, an athlete may letter if they become a starter and play 75% of the quarters, innings, matches, or scores team points in individual competition in tournament play, regardless of other lettering criteria.
B. Baseball/Softball
A player needs to participate in one-half of all innings played, or pinch-hit or pinch- run in three-fourths of all games played, or be a pitcher with at least four starts or six appearances in games, and/or win one tournament game.
C. Basketball - Boys & Girls
- Athletes must participate in 50% of the quarters of the regularly scheduled games.
- Athletes brought up to the varsity squad for tournament play only WILL NOT be awarded a varsity letter unless previously earned.
D. Bowling - Boys & Girls
- Athletes must participate in 50% of all matches.
- All senior athletes will earn a letter.
E. Cheerleading
Cheerleader’s awards will parallel the regular athletic system for all athletic teams.
- Competition Squad – All varsity competition squad members will receive the appropriate award provided the following:
- The athlete completes one year of varsity competition;
- Completes the cheerleading season in good standing with the school and coaches; and
- Attends a minimum of 75% of practices, competitions, and contests
- Sideline Cheer – All varsity squad members will receive the appropriate award provided the following:
- The athlete completes any two seasons of fall (football) and/or basketball (winter) at the varsity level;
- Completes the cheerleading season in good standing with the school and coaches; and
- Attends a minimum of 75% of practices and contests.
- Competition Squad – All varsity competition squad members will receive the appropriate award provided the following:
Cross Country
F. Cross Country
An athlete must attain the time indicated below at a meet during the season on a legitimate 5000m course. If the length of the course is questionable, the coach will have the final decision as to its legitimacy.
- Boys – a time of 17:59 or better
- Girls – a time of 22:59 or better
- -OR- Run in the Varsity Seven in at least 50% of the races in a season.
G. Football
- An athlete must play in at least one-half of the total number of regular season quarters.
- A player must play two consecutive plays to receive credit for a quarter.
- An athlete in a key position (i.e., punter, kick-off specialist, return man, extra-point kicker) must play in 50% of the regular season contests.
H. Golf
A player must earn a point total to one-half the number of matches played in a given season. As an example, if the team plays in eighteen matches during the season, a player must earn nine points to letter. Players will earn one point for playing in a nine-hole match and will earn two points if they play in an eighteen-hole tournament or invitational.
I. Lacrosse - Boys & Girls
- An athlete must participate in 50% of the halves of the regular scheduled games.
- Athletes brought up to varsity squads for tournament play only WILL NOT be awarded a varsity letter unless previously earned.
J. Soccer - Boys & Girls
- An athlete must participate in 50% of the halves of the regular scheduled games.
- Athletes brought up to varsity squads for tournament play only WILL NOT be awarded a varsity letter unless previously earned.
Special Olympics
K. Special Olympics - For Lettering Purposes
● Fall – Team Bowling / Swimming ● Winter – Basketball / Individual Bowling ● Spring – Track / Volleyball
- Basketball
- An athlete must participate in 50% of the games.
- Team Bowling / Swimming / Individual Bowling / Track / Volleyball
- An athlete must participate in the state tournament.
- A letter can only be earned by those athletes who are Pickerington Local School District students at the high school level.
- Basketball
L. Swimming - Boys & Girls
- An athlete must score an average of three points per dual meet during the season.
- Athletes must compete in a minimum of 80% of dual meets.
- Players must have 80% attendance for workouts.
M. Tennis - Boys & Girls
Earn as many points as there are matches - one point given for playing in a match and one point given if you win the match.
N. Track (Boys & Girls) An athlete must meet one of the following: 1. Average one point per meet; 2. Score in the OCC meet or meet with 8 teams (excludes relays); 3. Meet one of the following standards during regular scheduled meet on varsity schedule: Boys Girls event / standard event / standard 110 hurdles - 16.5 100 hurdles - 18.5 100 - 11.5 100 - 13.9 1600 - 4:50 1600 - 6:29 400 - 53.0 400 - 72.5 300 hurdles - 44.0 300 hurdles - 55.0 800 - 2:08 800 - 2:51 3200 - 10:40 3200 - 14:15 200 - 23.4 200 - 29.0 pole vault - 10’ pole vault - 7’6” 33 high jump - 5’10” high jump - 4’8” long jump - 19’0” long jump - 13’6” shot put - 43’ shot put - 27’ discus - 115’ discus - 80’
O. Volleyball (Boys & Girls) An athlete must participate in 50% of the games played.
P. Wrestling An athlete must score a combined total of 30 team points and team points saved during the season in varsity competition. In tournaments, points for advancement, quality of match and placement shall be awarded according to the National Federation Rule Book. One-half of the points scored in Divisions II or III varsity competition shall count towards the varsity letter.
Q. Statisticians All students who have been selected to compile statistics for a sports team must do so satisfactorily for the entire season.
R. Managers Any student who manages at both practice and contests satisfactorily for the entire sports season is entitled to the appropriate awards for that sport. To earn a varsity jacket, he/shea student must be a manager in two sports on the varsity level or earn two awards in the same sport, one of which must be at the varsity level.
Student Aides - Athletic Training
S. Student Aide (Athletic Training) Any student who assists the Athletic Trainer at no less than half the total hours of pre-practice and practice time and no less than half the total hours of pre- competition and competition time for a single sport. A student must assist the Athletic Trainer for a minimum of two sports seasons in the same school year or the same sport for two years. An athlete who participated in a minimum of one sport season and finished the sport season in good standing must assist the Athletic Trainer for a minimum of one sports season in the same year.