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Preschool Screening — Role Models Needed

On March 15, 2024, Pickerington Schools is screening 3 & 4-year-old children to be typical models for our special needs classrooms for the 2024-25 School Year.

Screenings will be held either at Tussing, Violet, Pickerington or Sycamore Creek Elementaries.

Who should be screened?

❖ Children 3 & 4 year olds not attending kindergarten 

❖ Children that have excellent communication skills.

❖ Children who are outgoing

❖ Children that show empathy for others

❖ Children who have cooperative play skills

Screenings will include: Speech & Language Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills, Cognitive Skills.

To ensure space for next year, complete the online application at: Once this is submitted, Tammy Pruden or Sherri Dittoe will contact you with a date and time for your screening. Children must be 3 and potty-trained to attend.

Cost for typical models is $241.00/month 

Questions: Contact Amy McNeal, preschool supervisor at 614-834-2621.

Preschool Screening Flyer