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Celebrating Success: Pickerington Schools' Outstanding 2023 Ohio School Report Card

We are delighted to share the results of the collective efforts of our educators, students, and families. Pickerington Schools’ (PLSD) 2023 Ohio School Report Card is in, and it’s filled with achievements, improvements and exciting data that shows our commitment to providing an exceptional education to the children of our community. For more information, please view the "PLSD State Report Card 2023" presentation.

Academic Excellence in Achievement

The Achievement Component of the Ohio School Report Card assesses whether our students’ performance on state tests meets established standards and how well our students performed on tests overall. Pickerington Schools is thrilled to have received an impressive overall rating of 4.5 stars, demonstrating our dedication to academic excellence. 

What is even more noteworthy is that over 56% of our students achieved proficiency at the Accomplished or higher performance level in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. This underscores the strong academic foundation we are building for our students. 

State Report Card Components of Achievement, Early Literacy, Gap Closing, Progress, and Graduation

Advancements in Early Literacy

The Early Literacy Component measures the reading progress and proficiency of our youngest learners — those in kindergarten through third grade. The 2023 Ohio School Report Card shows a 2.2% increase in third-grade English Language Arts (ELA) proficiency and a huge 10% rise in students achieving the Advanced level of performance. 

Third grade ELA proficiency increased by 2.2% points with a 10% point increase in students scoring Advanced.

Equity in Education - Gap Closing

The Gap Closing Component is the measure of how well we are reducing educational disparities among student subgroups. Pickerington Schools scored 5 stars on this measure. All 10 out of 10 student groups met their ELA Annual Measurable Objective Goal, and 9 out of 10 student groups met their Math Annual Measurable Objective Goal. These achievements show our commitment to ensuring equitable educational opportunities for all students.

Student Groups that Make Up PLSD

Remarkable Progress

The Progress Component of the Ohio School Report Card assesses student growth. A remarkable 21 out of 27 tested areas showed strong evidence that students in Pickerington Schools consistently exceeded student growth expectations. Furthermore, 13 areas exhibited substantial growth, reflecting the dedication of our educators and the hard work of our students. 

Progress: 21/27 tested areas demonstrated significant evidence that the district exceeded student growth expectations.

Elevated Graduation Rates

Graduation rates are a key component of the Ohio School Report Card. Pickerington Schools is proud to announce that all 10 student groups met the Graduation Annual Measurable Objective Goal. Our four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate increased by more than 2%, reaching an impressive 96.1%.

4-year graduation rate is 96.1%. 5-year graduation rate is 95.6%.

Distinction in Gifted Education

The Gifted Performance Index Score measures the performance of students who are gifted on state assessments. The Gifted Performance Index is part of the Gap Closing Component on the Ohio School Report Card. We met the Gifted Performance Index Goal and received a perfect 5 out of 5 stars for the Gifted Value Added Grade, indicating remarkable growth and proficiency among gifted students. 

Presentation slide "Gifted Component" showing State Report Card Performance Index Met with scores of 117.823, 120.556, 97.7%

Success with English Learners

Pickerington Schools earned 5 out of 5 points on the Gap Closing Component for English Learner (EL) students. This exceeded our growth index score expectations in both ELA and Math and surpassed the state-identified interim EL performance goal by an impressive 20% points. These results highlight our strong support system for English Learners in our district.

Slide "EL Gap Closing Component" of State Report Card showing 5/5 points earned.

Looking Ahead

Our success is not just for Pickerington Schools as a whole. Several schools within PLSD have earned exceptional ratings in various components, reflecting principal and school building commitment to continuously improve their staff and teaching to better serve student success. 

As we look ahead, we are determined to capture the remaining 0.5 stars by focusing on depth versus breadth. Our initiatives include collaborative learning walks, LETRS professional learning, adoption of new math curriculum and data-driven support for building improvement plans. We believe that by digging deeper and pushing our limits, we can continue to provide the best possible education for our students.

Pickerington Schools’ performance on the 2023 Ohio School Report Card is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our educators, students and families. It is a reflection of our commitment to providing an excellent education and ensuring equity in education. 

We invite you to celebrate these achievements with us and to join in our ongoing journey towards educational excellence. We are committed to the success and growth of all of our students, and with your support, we can continue to reach new heights. 

What's Next - Depth vs Breadth