PLSD Start/End Times Discussion LAST CALL FOR INPUT!
PLSD Start/End Times Discussion
On December 10, 2024 the District held our third and final listening session regarding potential school changes in the district. This meeting was offered for both in-person and virtual participation.
We still want your feedback!
This is a decision that will impact all of us, and we need as many voices as possible to help us understand what will work best for our community. Please provide your feedback by midnight on December 22nd! All students, teachers, staff, and families in the PLSD Community have been sent a link to provide their feedback, so make sure to check your email!
Meeting Summary
In the final listening session for the Pickerington School District's start and end times, we shared four potential options for schedule changes. These options were developed with guidance from our Stakeholder Committee, which is comprised of parents, guardians, teachers, support staff, and community members. The Stakeholder Committee has been charged with guiding this process and reviewing the feedback we receive and will ultimately present a proposal to the School Board in late January 2025.
The Stakeholder Committee evaluated many options for schedule changes, and identified four options that we felt best reflected the priorities identified during Listening Session 2 (held on October 24th). The Stakeholder Committee is committed to reflecting community input, prioritizing the safety of students, valuing staff and teachers, and respecting family time. A lot of time and consideration has gone into trying to check all the boxes because, although we know we're not going to satisfy everyone's needs at the end of the day, we want to make sure we're putting forth the best plan possible for our district.
Below we have included a reference table of the 4 options, the priorities and considerations for each option, and the resources it will take to implement each option. We encourage you to listen to the presentation to get additional information about the opportunities and constraints for each option, particularly as it relates to the transportation needs of each option.
Listen to the presentation HERE
No decision has been made, and the District does not have an option they are advocating for or against. The process remains open and collaborative, with decisions based on what we’ve heard from the community.