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Letter from the Principal

Toll Gate CORE Values/Mission

Family, Flexibility, Growth & Responsibility

Welcome to Toll Gate Elementary! Our dedicated team of educators and staff is excited to welcome both returning and new students and families to Toll Gate Elementary. We believe that a strong school and family partnership is essential to a child’s success. You can expect that we will do everything in our power to keep your child safe, both physically and emotionally. In return, we expect our students to demonstrate appropriate behavior that keeps themselves and others secure. You can expect us to be respectful to you and your child. In return, we expect students and their families to be respectful as well. You can expect us to come prepared daily to educate your child. In return, we expect your child to come to school with the necessary materials prepared to learn and complete assignments. On behalf of our entire staff, we are honored to serve your child on their educational journey. Together we can accomplish great things for our children! Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached by phone at 614-834-6300 or by email. We look forward to our partnership with our families so that we can ensure all children reach their potential, and we will continue to see why TGE is the place to be!


Erika Lomonico, Principal

It’s a GREAT day to be a Gator!


Erika Lomonico