About Harmon Middle School
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School-Parent Compact
School-Parent Compact
Harmon Middle School
School Year 2022-2023
Updated 2019
Jointly Developed:
The parents, students and staff of Harmon Middle School have partnered together to develop this School-Parent Compact for achievement. Parents are encouraged to attend the many discussion meetings throughout the school year to revise and adjust the Compact to better meet the needs and goals of our school and community. This Compact has been developed through PTO meetings, BLT and PBIS training for staff, parent interviews and student interviews.
To understand how working together can benefit your child, it is first important to understand the district’s and school’s goals for student academic achievement.
Pickerington Local School District Goals:
- Students with Disabilities will reach 90% or higher proficiency ‘in reading and math by 2030, increasing proficiency in reading by 5.46% or more each year, and math by 5.15% or more each year, according to the Local Report Card.
- The district will achieve a 10% average reduction by the 2019-2020 School Year, based on the previous three-year average (FY15-FY17), of lost instructional days for Economically Disadvantaged students due to disciplinary action, through the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS).
Harmon Middle School (HMS) Goals:
- HMS will increase the number of indicators met from 4 (16-17) to 7.
- HMS will improve in the area of gap closing by increasing the percentage of the students with disabilities meeting the proficiency goal to 50% in both ELA and Math.
- HMS will reduce lost instructional time by 25% through refined PBIS practices with emphasis on parent/family engagement and restorative justice.
To help your child meet the district’s and school’s goals, the school (HMS), you and your child will work together on the following items.
School/Teacher Responsibilities
Harmon Middle School will:
- Be a H.E.R.O. (Helpful, Engaged, Respectful and Original)
- Be proactive in communicating concerns and successes.
- Will seek to know each child as a student and as an individual.
- Create an environment that promotes and encourages “Safety, Care and Learning”.
Parent Responsibilities:
We, as parents, will:
- Be a H.E.R.O. (Helpful, Engaged, Respectful and Original)
- Be active and involved in students' learning.
- Discuss and reinforce school expectations.
- Be open and honest with feedback to the school for improvement.
Student Responsibilities:
Students will:
- Be a H.E.R.O. (Helpful, Engaged, Respectful and Original)
- Take an active role in learning and participating in school activities.
- Talk to parents and teachers about daily activities and/or concerns.
Communication About Student Learning:
HMS is committed to frequent, two-way communication with families about students' learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you include:
- Weekly ‘Smore’ updates via email and text.
- Parent Portal messages on Infinite Campus.
- Phone Calls, text messages and emails to parents regarding student behavior or progress.
- Parent- Teacher Conferences.
- Building and Staff twitter accounts: (#harmonheroes , @PickHarmonKids , #PLSDProud )
Activities to Build Partnerships
HMS offers ongoing events and programs to build partnerships with families.
- Parent – Teacher Conferences
- Open House events
- PTO meetings
- Family events
- Pop-Up events in the community
- Open communication lines via social media.